We take action

Preparatory Actions

ACTION A1: Baseline assessments and updated studies at national scale, & stakeholder mapping related to waste management

Action A1 will be implemented in four sub-actions by assessing baseline conditions, mapping key stakeholder groups and preparing the ground for the introduction of economic instruments on waste management.

ACTION A2: Preparatory Technical & Economic Studies, Permits and Licensing For Demonstration Projects

This action foresees the preparation of all the necessary preparatory work, technical and economic studies for the development of the demonstration actions of the project.

A2.1 Study for the management of biowaste

A2.2 Study for the Green kiosks of dry recyclables

A2.3 Study for the management of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)

A2.4 Review of existing foodwaste and agrowaste prevention programmes

A2.5 Study for the Reuse /Repair Center

A2.6 Study for the PAYT schemes redesign

A2.7 Study for the marine litter collection stations’ refurbishment

A2.8 Permits & Licensing for demonstration projects

A2.9 Study for Capacity Building implementation Strategy

ACTION A3: Study on the establishment of a Waste Management Coordination Body between Central and Local Government

This action aims to study the legal, institutional and financial conditions for the establishment of an administrative structure that will effectively support both financially and technically local government in order to step up its efforts to change the way municipal waste is currently managed.

for a better world

Concrete Actions

ACTION C1: Biowaste source separation and management schemes

The diversion of biodegradable fraction of municipal solid waste from landfilling is ranked as a high priority at EU and national level as it greatly contributes to resource efficiency/circular economy

ACTION C2: Installation and operation of Green kiosks for dry recyclables

The Green Kiosk constitutes an adaptable decentralized recycling system, suitably adjusted into a modified container (6×2.5m), aiming to facilitate and improve municipal waste recycling performances in remote areas of Cyprus’ 5 Districts, by directly diverting a significant portion of MSW produced, from ending up in landfills.

ACTION C3: Implementation of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection and management

This Action aims to promote the diversion of HHW stream from municipal waste to licenced hazardous waste management facilities in Cyprus. Upon source separation, HHW will be collected from the participants in different ways as presented below:

  • collection with four mobile units customized for HHW management (complementary fund: European Economic Area-Norway Grants).
  • delivery by households to one of two manned HHW reception points during operational days and hours
  • delivery by households to the Green Kiosks during operational days and hours.
  • collection upon request directly at the household

C3.1 Construction of two HHW Centers and procurement of equipment & supplies

C3.2 HHW collection and management operation license

C3.3 HHW collection and management operation phase

ACTION C4: Foodwaste and agrowaste prevention

Wasting food is not only an ethical and economic issue but it also depletes the environment of limited natural resources. By reducing food and agrofood losses and waste, apart from achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the fight against climate change (food waste alone generates about 8% of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions (FAO, 2015)) is supported, nutritious food for redistribution to those in need is saved and money is saved for farmers, companies and households.

Action C4 will be implemented in three sub-actions:

C4.1 Baseline and annual assessment of foodwaste and agrowaste generation in Cyprus

C4.2 Development and operation of a Foodwaste & Agrowaste Prevention Monitoring and Management Platform

C4.3 Foodwaste and agrowaste prevention demonstration actions

ACTION C5: Construction And Operation Of Reuse And Repair Centers And Networks

This action aims at implementing the waste reuse and repair (preparation for reuse) policy in Cyprus by (a) constructing and operating two reuse and repair centers in strategic locations in Cyprus and (b) establishing a network of reuse shops in major cities of Cyprus that will be linked with the operation of the reuse and repair centers.

The goal is to create organized spaces that receive, sort, repair (where deemed necessary) and reuse different waste/material streams. Typical waste/material streams shall include a) electrical appliances, b) furniture, c) clothing and accessories, d) books, e) toys and f) other household goods/bric a brac.

Action C5 will be implemented in three sub-actions:

C5.1 Construction of two Reuse/Repair Centers and procurement of equipment & supplies

C5.2 Operation licensing of two Reuse/Repair Centers & establishment of reuse shop networks

C5.3 Operation of the Reuse/Repair Centers and networks

ACTION C6: Pay As You Throw Schemes

This action aims at complementing the Pay as You Throw (PAYT) Project funded by the Structural Funds the aim of Action C6 is to coordinate the efforts of twenty (20) rural, semi-rural and urban areas in all five districts of Cyprus, increase the exchange of experiences and at the same time analyse the effectiveness of the PAYT schemes implemented and facilitate their improvement leading to increase effectiveness.

Action C6 will be implemented in two sub-actions.

C6.1 Monitoring of the implementation of the PAYT project in Cyprus

C6.2 Re-design of a fair and equitable waste tariff

ACTION C7: Marine debris collection and management system

This action focuses on collection and recycling of mooring ropes from ports and marine debris from seas, since there is no specific policy enforcement strategy. To this end, an economically viable and sustainable management plan based on the participating fishing trawlers rewarding system shall be implemented in two fisheries shelters of Cyprus in Paralimni (Golden coast) and Zygi.

Action C7 will be implemented in three sub-actions:

C7.1 Development of software tool for mapping and monitoring of marine debris

C7.2 Development of marine debris collection stations and schemes

C7.3 Market exploitation of marine debris collected

ACTION C8: Application of Economic Instruments in support of Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Economic Instruments

Action C8 aims to apply and demonstrate economic instruments in support of the NWMP and NWPP implementation.

Action C8 will be implemented in three sub-actions to demonstrate the operation of economic instruments that support sustainable municipal waste management.

C8.1 Introduction and enforcement of landfill tax

C8.2 Introduction and operation of Waste management Fund

C8.3 Development or updating of standards for the implementation of the NWMP

ACTION C9: Capacity Building Actions

This action aims to build knowledge on waste management, on the appropriate LIFE-IP  CYzero WASTE waste management methods and to provide the enabling conditions to the involved parties mainly the local authorities and their development agencies to move towards that direction.

Action C9 will be implemented in two sub-actions:

C9.1 Targeted capacity building stakeholder forum and workshops

C9.2 Training of the authorities, stakeholders including the wider public for using the Waste and Material Flows Platform

ACTION C10: Establishment of the Waste Management Coordinating Body

This sub-action will implement the result of Action A3 for the establishment of a Waste Management Coordination Body in order to bridge the gap between central and local government, better coordinate competent authorities between different administrative levels and sufficiently enforce policy measures at local level.

In particular this sub-action will:

-Secure funds for its establishment and operation (possible funding from the Resilience and Recovery Fund-RRF)

-Implement needed procurement procedures and obtain appropriate staff and infrastructure for the operation of the coordination body.

-Train staff

-Monitor the operation of the structure from 2026-2029 and develop an action plan within the framework of this IP project.

for a healthier planet

Monitoring of the impact of the project actions


Together we can

Public awareness and dissemination of results

ACTION E1: Public awareness, involvement & dissemination

The Action includes all activities necessary to achieve maximum outreach and dissemination of the project objectives, actions and results, across different target audiences. Through the Action, we plan to secure the critical mass needed to ensure the successful implementation of all demonstration actions, raise awareness and cooperate with informed citizens to promote prevention of waste, selection at source, new recycling practices and circular economy solutions; also, promote information sharing with all relevant bodies and competent authorities to ensure successful uptake of the project’s results.

E.1.1 Dissemination-Communication Planning And Execution

E.1.2 Regional awareness-raising events (info days)

E.1.3 Project Conferences

E.1.4 Layman’s Report

ACTION E2: EU-level and international dissemination and networking

The aim of this action is to boost the uptake of the project results in Cyprus and beyond. This action will be implemented by disseminating the demonstration cases, and by using their example to allow for similar exercises in the context of the capacity building activities organized in each Waste Management Educational Hub and all LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE partner municipalities, and at European and international level.

E.2.1 Networking with other LIFE and/or non-LIFE projects, EU and international initiatives

E.2.2 EU and international Thematic workshops

ACTION E3: Project Replication and Transfer Strategy and Implementation

The aim of this action is to set the grounds for the wide spread application of the demonstration actions of the project which shall further facilitate the implementation of the NWMP and NWPP measures and targets.

Progress towards a - no waste - world

Project management and monitoring of project progress

ACTION F1: Overall project management, monitoring and reporting to the EC

The DoE, as Project Coordinator (PC), will cooperate closely with all project beneficiaries, in order to ensure the timely and successful achievement of the project objectives through efficient coordination. This encompasses a wide range of management activities, administration, quality control of the deliverables, budget execution, preparation of financial documents and progress reports, interaction with the European Commission services, etc.

F.1.1 Establishment and operation of project management structures

F.1.2 Monitoring of project progress & Reporting to the EC

F.1.3 External audit

F.1.4 After-LIFE Plan

F.1.5 Application and Monitoring of green procurements

ACTION F2: Complementary Funding Monitoring and Mobilisation

Action F2 aims at maximum and efficient mobilization of additional funding through and after the project implementation. This action includes all procedures and tools for the monitoring and assessment of those actions that are connected to complementary funds. To achieve this goal, a monitoring mechanism, will be developed. Furthermore, within the implementation framework of action F2 further co-financing opportunities will be investigated.

F2.1 Complementary Funds Committee

F2.2 Coordination, Monitoring and Mobilization of Complementary Funding

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