Online Info Event regarding the construction and operation of Reuse and Repair Centers in Sweden and Greece

The LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project Team in collaboration with the National Technical University of Athens invites you to an online informative event that will take place on May 26, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The event will focus on the construction and operation of Reuse and Repair Centers in Sweden and Greece.

The purpose of the event is to present successful examples and best practices followed by other countries regarding the construction and operation of Reuse and Repair Centers. The presentations, will be focused on the operation of the centers, the challenges and problems encountered by these countries, as well as citizens’ participation and response to the overall project. The experiences of Sweden and Greece are valuable sources of knowledge and reference for Cyprus, as the construction and operation of two Reuse and Repair Centers in Cyprus (Nicosia and Limassol) are currently under study.

Our goal is to ensure the proper functioning of the above-mentioned facilities in Cyprus and promote the improvement of sustainable waste management through information sharing and knowledge exchange.


  • Presentation of the “Alelyckan Eco Park” Reuse Center in Gothenburg of Sweden
  • Presentation of the Creative Reuse Material Centers (CRMC) in the Western Macedonia Region – Kastoria & Florina
  • Presentation of the Sorting and Recycling Centers for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in Attica and Oreokastro of Greece



This online event is addressed to Municipalities, Communities, the Union of Cyprus Municipalities, the Union of Cyprus Communities, Public Bodies, Development Companies, and other organizations.

For more information, see the Agenda

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