Integrated municipal solid waste management – Pilot project implementation in the Municipality of Aradippou and the Communities of Kellia and Troulloi within the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project

On Wednesday 06 September 2023, a press conference was held in the House of the Historical and Folklore Building of the Municipality of Aradippou in the presence of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, to present the “Integrated management of municipal solid waste – Pilot project implementation in the Municipality of Aradippou and the Communities of Kellia and Troulloi in the framework of the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE Project”. The press conference was welcomed by the Mayor of Aradippou, Mr. Evangelos Evaggelidis and the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Mr. Petros Xenophontos. Also they were present, the General Director of the Environment from the General Directorate of the Environment, the Commissioner of the Environment, Ms. Maria Panagiotou, the Presidents of the Community Councils of Kellia and Troulloi, Development Agencies, etc.

During the press conference, the Integrated Project of the LIFE Program, LIFE IP CYzero WASTE, the Integrated Project “Smart Monitoring and Efficient Waste Reduction in Cyprus” was presented. The Coordinator of the Project is the Department of Environment. The Project aspires to contribute to the implementation of the goals set in the Municipal Waste Management Plan 2022-2028 and the National Waste Prevention Program 2023-2029.

Also, the National Technical University of Athens, as a partner of the Project, presented the Pilot Application of the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management in the administrative boundaries of the Municipality of Aradippou, the Community of Kellia and the Community of Troulloi.


Press release

Presentation of the LIFE IP CYzero WASTE project and the Pilot Application of the Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management


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