Participation of the LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project in the 2nd Conference of the European LIFE-IP CEI-Greece Project “Implementation of the Circular Economy in Greece”, in Thessaloniki

On November 16, 2023, the 2nd Conference of the LIFE-IP CEI-Greece European Project “Implementation of the Circular Economy in Greece” was held, organized by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, in collaboration with the Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency and the Municipality of Thessaloniki, in Thessaloniki.

The conference included over 20 extremely interesting presentations, focusing on the progress and evolution of the actions of the LIFE-IP CEI-Greece Project for integrated waste management in Greece. Initially, during these presentations, an overview of the Project was provided, while afterwards, each partner presented the progress and the actions they have carried out in relation to the respective Project action in which they participate. Specifically, in this context, reference was made to the general methodology of implementing the Pay As You Throw (PAYT) system in the Municipalities, highlighting the conclusions and the findings so far that have been drawn from the pilot application of the POP system in the Municipality of Vari, Voula, Vouliagmeni. Afterwards, reference was made to the pilot application of the circular economy in selected island/mountain areas, as well as to the planning of Integrated Green Points that can be developed in the Municipalities of Athens, Thessaloniki, and Vari, Voula, Vouliagmeni. Subsequently, the content of the Guide created with the aim of promoting the separate collection of hazardous household waste (HWW) was presented, and at the same time the progress of the pilot implementation of the HWW separate collection systems in the Region of Western Macedonia was analysed. Finally, there was a description of the actions aimed at strengthening Food Waste Prevention, developing partnerships, informing about the activation of interested parties, as well as raising awareness among the general public (e.g. Voluntary Alliances, Capacity Building to support Circular Economy, operation of the Circular Economy Observatory and National Repository, dissemination of the principles of the Circular Economy with the use of Audio-Visual Media and appropriate Communication Tools).

We were happy to participate in the above conference with a presentation of the LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project in which its goals, actions and pilot applications were mentioned. Actions already taken for each action were highlighted, showing the progress of work done so far on the implementation of infrastructure projects such as green recycling kiosks, household and community composters, reuse and repair centers and mobile collection units of hazardous household waste, infrastructure, which will contribute to the promotion of sorting at the source of bio-waste, recyclable materials and hazardous household waste. Finally, there was an update on the development of the integrated marine waste management system that will be implemented in 2 fishing shelters as well as on the study for the establishment of the Waste Management Coordinating Body.

At the end of the conference, all participants were given the opportunity to exchange opinions, ideas and experiences.

Participation in such conferences and similar events is an important means of sharing knowledge and innovative solutions, providing the opportunity to create new partnerships. This constant exchange of ideas and experiences contributes significantly to the achievement of our European and National goals for a more sustainable future.

The LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project presentations are available here:


LIFE IP ZERO WASTE CYPRUS – presentation 2

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