Online Networking Event on success stories of Repair and Reuse Centers in Europe

A successful online networking event was held on May 26th, 2023, involving representatives from the National Technical University of Athens, District Development Agencies, Municipalities, Communities, and other organizations in Cyprus. The event was organized within the LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE Project (LIFE20/IPE/CY/000011), and its related action on the establishment of Repair and Reuse Centers (RRC) and Network in Cyprus.

This networking event aimed to inform and exchange knowledge and opinions on ensuring smooth planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of the above infrastructures in Cyprus as well as promoting repair and reuse in the transition towards a Circular Economy.

Repair and reuse are important means to increase sustainable consumption of materials and products for the same or a similar use. The main idea here is that products that are no longer desired/needed by one user are collected and redistributed to those who need/want them.

In order for Cyprus to meet the European and national environmental policies and regulations, it is necessary to integrate the repair and reuse sectors into a broader mainstream of waste management. In this context, during the networking event, the plans and efforts of the Environment Department for the construction and operation of two (2) Repair and Reuse Centers and Networks in Cyprus were presented.

Initially, there was a brief greeting from the Department of Environment as well as from a representative of  the National Technical University of Athens. Then, a brief update was given on the LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE and its related action on the implementation of two RRCs and their Network in Cyprus. In addition, the next steps of the Environment Department towards the construction and operation of the above infrastructures were presented, as well as successful examples and good practices of similar projects followed in Greece, Sweden and Norway.

A representative of Gothenburg Municipality in Sweden, presented the goals and information regarding waste management in Gothenburg. Then proceeded with the presentation of the “Alelyckan Eco Park” Reuse Park, which included information about the design and operation of the park, as well as the volume of waste that is reused. Finally, plans for the new park being prepared by Gothenburg were presented, considering the experiences gained through “Alelyckan Eco Park”.

Next, the three Creative Materials Reuse Centers (CMRCs) in Kastoria, Florina and Grevena at the Western Macedonia in Greece were presented. The presentation included a brief chronological review up to their operation, the way centers operate, benefits, problems / challenges, materials accepted for reuse, statistical data from their day of operation, and finally an emphasis on the importance of communication and informing the citizens.

Finally, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Sorting and Recycling Centers in Attica and Oraiokastro in Greece were presented, in the context of the implemented project through LIFE14 ENV/GR/000858 ReWeee. The goals, activities, technical procedures, preparation, peculiarities and difficulties they face were mentioned, as well as the results and experiences gained from the operation of Centers. Then, a direct connection was made to one of the Centers and a virtual tour on its premises.

Afterwards, representatives from Norway presented the network of large, medium and small RRCs in Oslo, and its synergies with some companies like IKEA.

The presentations of the Online Networking Event are available here:

Reuse Centers and Networks in Cyprus


Kretsloppsparken Alelyckan


Reuse Centers of Western Macedonia 2023

Reuse Oslo

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